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Liver Disease, Symptoms and causes

Overview The liver is an organ about the size of a football. It sits simply under your rib confine on the correct side of your midsection. The liver is basic for processing food and freeing your collection of poisonous substances.  Liver disease can be acquired (genetic). Liver issues can also be brought about by an assortment of components that harm the liver, for example, infections, liquor use and weight.  After some time, conditions that harm the liver can prompt scarring (cirrhosis), which can prompt liver disappointment, a dangerous condition. Yet, early treatment may give the liver chance to recuperate.  Symptoms  Liver disease doesn't generally cause recognizable signs and symptoms. On the off chance that signs and side effects of liver sickness do happen, the may include:  Skin and eyes that seem yellowish (jaundice)  Stomach torment and swelling  Swelling in the legs and ankles  Itchy skin  Dark urine color  Pale stool color In...
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